Published by Librairie du Palais, 2021
Book size 21 x 10 cm
Pages 19 pages
ISBN 978_2_493123_02_2
Between 1989 and 1991, during the “Belgian wave of UFOs” more than 2000 cases of UAPTF sightings were recorded in Belgium.
The government, far from taking this lightly, sought to understand who or what was flying over its airspace. The army's F-16s and the radars of the control towers recorded completely abnormal activities, without finding an explanation. This collection offers a graphic and poetic form of the archives of the CIA, which also took a very serious interest in the Belgian phenomenon.
Between 1989 and 1991, during the “Belgian UFO wave”, more than 2000 cases of UFO sightings were recorded in Belgium.
The government, far from taking this lightly, sought to understand who or what was flying over its airspace. The army's F-16s and the radars of the control towers recorded completely abnormal activities, without finding any explanation. This collection offers a graphic and poetic form of the CIA archives, which also took a very serious interest in the Belgian phenomenon.