Bertien Van Manen
East Wind West Wind
Published by De Verbeelding publishing, 2001
Size: 25.8 x 20 cm
232 pages
Languages: Chinese and English
First Edition
ISBN 90-74159-36-2
“Bertien van Manen is a journalist of intimacy. Penetrating the intimacy of another’s life would take a great deal of tact anywhere. For a Dutch photographer to find her way into the intimate corners of Chinese life took more than that. China, for all its hospitality, can be an extremely private place. It is traditionally a country of walled cities, fortified palaces, walled gardens and fortified family compounds. The family is still the basic unit that dominates most Chinese people. And Bertien van Manen has penetrated these units, to show us how the Chinese live, eat, touch, talk and sleep in private. To do this, she must have had not only tact, but also persistence, curiosity and sympathy. You can tell from her photographs that she was trusted. Even if she never sees them again, you can tell that her subjects are her friends.” » - Ian Buruma