Alexandre Morvan
Cherry Trees
Posted by Kherer, 2024
Size: 22.2 x 16.5 cm
128 pages
The photographs in Cherry Trees were taken in Japan in the spring of 2020. Spring is the time of hanabi, the annual celebration of cherry blossoms, a symbol of the transience and fragility of life, but in 2020 it also coincided with the very beginning of the Covid pandemic. Here, French photographer Alexandre Morvan documents the invisible threat the virus poses to everyday life. As he worked, he began to draw connections between the strangeness of the situation and the dystopian worlds of the Japanese anime and TV series he had watched as a child. Anticipating major environmental and humanitarian crises, some of these films proved prescient. This book is a story of transmission—the transmission of a virus, but also the transmission of lifeworlds from the fictions of the past to our lived reality today.