Published by Nazraeli Press
Book size 35x42.3cm
Language English
This series, begun in 2002, is still ongoing. The silhouettes are not obtained by shooting real people, but come from pre-existing images, selected from newspapers or magazines, cut out and photographed against the light. The silhouettes are not simple shadows, but fragments of other images: mountains, elements of Baroque architecture, circles in the water of a lake, candy, ruins, Native American tattoos, crowds, cars, insects, parties, bursting balloons...
The characters, named “Krio” or “Rosa” and so on, are no more than a collection of diverse and varied images, dark to the limit of discernibility. Their bodies embody a world beyond time and space.
This series, which began in 2002, is still ongoing. The silhouettes are not obtained by shooting real people, but come from pre-existing images, selected from newspapers or magazines, cut out and photographed against the light. The silhouettes are not simple shadows, fragments of other images are inserted: mountains, elements of baroque architecture, circles in the water of a lake, sweets, ruins, Native American tattoos, crowds, cars, insects, parties, bursting balloons...
The characters, named "Krio" or "Rosa", etc. are none other than the set of diverse and varied images, dark to the limit of discernibility. Their body thus embodies a world beyond time and space.